Saturday, April 26, 2008

wow... it's been a long time!

sorry for the delay in posting... yikes! might as well start with a great picture

things have been really busy around here enjoying the outdoors! We are so excited to finally be able to have a summer where we have a home to call our own and NOT be in the hospital... it's been 4 years since that's been true!

so we've been doing some stuff around the house... we installed a firepit in our back yard and cleaned the yard all up in the back. We also cleaned out and organized our garage and installed some railings on the deck - that we use ALL THE TIME and Isaac & Jonah LOVE to play on.

we also picked up an old-school, rusty swing set for free on the side of the road. $50 worth of new swings and paint and Isaac loves it! and I replaced the door frame to our garage door.

inside we've been organizing our tubs and tubs and tubs of baby clothes to find some shorts and short sleeve shirts for the boys and cleaned out the junk in the basement... including our old washing machine. We finally got our new TV hung on the wall so I've been rocking out on ROCK BAND when I can.

We're contemplating the best way to redecorate the boys rooms... since we've never really done anything with them in our transient state. We're not sure what we want... but I think we may just wait until they get into the "big boy bed" stage to go all out and we may just paint for now. We really missed out on the "decorating the nursery" phase, which is sad for us... but we should be able to do it well for the next stage.

isaac can't stand NOT being outside as much as he can... often Cindy's dad will stop by after work to play with Isaac outside ("side! side! side" or "Walk! Walk! Walk!")

I think he's actually in the middle of saying "Shoes on!"

he gets sad when we don't let him go outside

Recently we went with Cindy's parents to go see the butterflies at fredrick meijer gardens, which was really fun. And cindy took the boys to the zoo with some friends.

We all went to see Grandpa's Rock show at rogers plaza and Grandpa got isaac is very own rock (around his neck)

Cindy took the boys to "Storytime" at the local library last week...Isaac made a pirate hat for the craft... it has the skull of a teddy bear on it.. is that okay?

we had some fun at Claire's birthday

Cindy and I also got some cheap stuff at garage sales this week, which was fun... Isaac loves playing with is $2 plastic kitchen and $ .25 plastic table!

We've also been spending some time walking down the street to the nearby park where Isaac gets to go on the playground equipment and go down the slide.

Jonah's been really active... rolling around everywhere he can and finally scooting a bit forward... on his way to crawling!

so life is pretty good around here... sad that it's cold today but really looking forward to this coming summer!!!

Like i said... we've been busy! So here's another crazy picture to end on... all of our pictures are at our picasaweb site... check the link in the side that says "pictures"

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